Marianne Watson earned $96,552 in 2019, 6.1 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Tara Warga earned $40,141 in 2019, 53.1 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Dawn Watson earned $88,299 in 2019, 2.8 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Kimberly Vollmerhausen earned $20,467 in 2019, 4.8 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Elizabeth Vokes earned $46,000 in 2019, 0.5 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Michael WagnerIII earned $88,047 in 2019, 0.6 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Marilyn Wasson earned $57,516 in 2019, 8.2 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Gary Weshalek earned $88,097 in 2019, 2.5 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Grants from a progressive group funded by Facebook were used by voting officials in Taylor to strategically target voters, according to the Centre for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL).
Megan Wagers earned $14,596 in 2019, 22 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Scott Wagner earned $109,000 in 2019, 3.8 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Kimberly Wagner earned $90,658 in 2019, 25.5 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Victoria Vock earned $71,815 in 2019, 8.6 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Pamela Wasilewski earned $14,569 in 2019, 29.2 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Olivia Walkuski earned $38,780 in 2019, four percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Jerry Wager earned $78,586 in 2019, 3.9 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Cheyla Wagner earned $40,378 in 2019, 24.9 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Of the 12,137 citizens living in Riverview in 2019, 99 percent said they were only one race, while one percent said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in January.
Emily Wank earned $77,078 in 2019, 5.4 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.