“IN RECOGNITION OF LORETTA CANNON'S OVER 40 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE DOWNRIVER COMMUNITY CONFERENCE.....” was published in the Extensions of Remarks section on pages on June 28, 2021.
Ursalina Vitale-Singleton earned $28,643 in 2019, 0.4 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Terri Vannorden earned $90,407 in 2019, 0.6 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Cathryn Vine earned $34,449 in 2019, 15.5 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Kelleen Villa earned $94,794 in 2019, 4.4 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Of the 61,379 citizens living in Taylor in 2019, 97.1 percent said they were only one race, while 2.9 percent said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in January.
Frank Vilardi earned $88,795 in 2019, 1.7 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Terese Vallie earned $28,027 in 2019, 0.9 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Michelle Vellmure earned $78,391 in 2019, 0.7 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Kristy Vilardi earned $83,298 in 2019, 1.6 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Robert Vandergriff earned $48,711 in 2019, 5.7 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Brian Visintainer earned $43,911 in 2019, 0.5 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
There were three professional investigator licenses issued by the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) in Wayne County during May 2021, an increase over the previous month.
Christopher Vilag earned $46,728 in 2019, 8.9 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Kenneth Vann earned $62,674 in 2019, 11.8 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Michelle Vanderworp earned $79,143 in 2019, 1.5 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.
Jeanine Van Auken earned $84,616 in 2019, 4.6 percent more than the previous year, working as a public employee in Wayne County, according to the Michigan Government Salaries Database.