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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

'Save America Using the Constitution:' Local engineer shares his grassroots journey at Oct. 7 event

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Russ Morey | Provided

Russ Morey | Provided

Convention of States Action has issued the following press release:

Russell (Russ) Morey will lead a town hall discussing the Convention of States organization, his experience as a grassroots patriot, and how you can get involved in the movement too. Russ Morey is the COS district captain for Michigan House Districts 17, 53, 54, and 55. 

Town Hall:

Facebook Event Link: https://fb.me/e/2v9pZaL12

Date: Thursday, Oct 7

Time: 7-8:30 p.m.

Michigan Leadership Group

21919 Telegraph Road, Brownstown

Article V of the US Constitution grants state legislatures the right to call a Convention of States. Convention of States Action is a nonprofit organization dedicated to encouraging states to stand up and curtail the runaway power of the federal government. The organization gives us, as concerned citizens, the opportunity to demand change.

Russ was prompted to join COS by listening to nationally-syndicated radio host Mark Levin. Mr. Levin has long been a champion and avid promoter of the COS call to action. Russ eagerly wanted to get involved when he learned that there were virtually-unknown Constitutional ways for the people to take back control of the country from the out-of-control government presently in power. Initially he just signed the petition and wanted more information about COS, but then later, when the current federal administration went completely off the rails, he felt it was time to become more involved and thereby volunteered to become a district captain. 

He has since discovered that the COS community is truly an exceptional group of like-minded individuals with whom he has much in common. The tools COS has provided him in order to do this work successfully is outstanding and has been extremely helpful towards this end. 

You can also become involved by signing the petition for Michigan’s state legislature to support a Convention of States. Morey decided to volunteer as a COS Regional Captain in part, due to his hopes for, and concerns about America’s future.

For Russ it is important that people sign the petition for Michigan to support a Convention of States. “Signing the petition tells your legislators in Lansing that you want Michigan to become part of the Convention of States to rein in the out-of-control federal government.”

During times of rest and relaxation, Russ and his wife love to go camping. They recently returned from Pennsylvania where the two of them visited the Flight 93 memorial and Gettysburg National cemetery. Both sites provided quite moving experiences for them both, experiences they will not soon forget. 

Russ Morey and the COS organization share many hopes and concerns, especially those about the federal government. The Convention of States organization aims to limit the federal government in three ways: 1) make common-sense restrictions to federal spending, 2) give stolen power back to the states, and 3) impose federal term limits. As a representative of MI COS, Morey hopes that his town hall will help to articulate his convictions and bring more people together for this cause. So far, the organization’s resolution has passed in 15 states; 34 states must pass identical applications to create a “Convention.” When an amendment is proposed, 38 states will need to ratify any changes to the Constitution for them to become law.

He is deeply motivated to help the COS organization because of his passion to see our country returned to some reasonable semblance of the once-great nation our Founding Fathers created over 200 years ago. He is not happy with the way Washington elites have adamantly refused to listen to the people who elected them and are continually seizing ever-greater control over the liberties and freedoms granted to our citizens in our founding documents. 

If Russ’ words ring true with you, you may just be a grassroots patriot waiting for an opportunity. Please visit http://www.conventionofstates.com to sign the petition and volunteer. The link generates an email to your State House Representative and your State Senator. If you are not sure if you signed it, feel free to sign it again. Signing a second time does not spoil anything with your petition.

Russ can be reached by email at russell.morey@cosaction.com or by text message at 734.252.9607.  Feel free to contact him for more information about how you can get involved in the fight to reverse the destructive course on which our great nation has been placed by corrupt politicians and unelected bureaucrats.