Organization Directory
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Allen Park Community School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 05/25/21 - White students at Allen Park Community School score 816.9 on average on the SAT (2018-2019)
Allen Park High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 11/10/24 - Which former Downriver Today area high school standouts will be in action in the week starting Mon Nov. 11?
Allen Park Middle School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Middle Schools
Most recent 12/13/24 - Wayne County Education: 106,675 white students were enrolled in schools in 2023-24 school year
Allen Park Police Department
Public Safety | Municipal Police
Most recent 02/10/23 - Meet our newest Officer Kenneth Cowan
Allen Park Public Schools Board
School Districts: Elected Officials | Public School District Boards
Most recent 03/14/24 - Allen Park Public Schools welcomed 3,684 students in 2022-23 school year